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Ashes Bash

Ashes bash is a free sports flash game from 2006 about cricket batting in the greatest sporting contest. Sounds simple - just swing the bat at the right moment and correct angle to send the ball at the desired direction. Depending on your strike, you will score different number of points, from 0, or 4 up to even 6. In case if you miss the ball or if you get caught by a fielder you will loose a wicket. Once you select the team and scenario, the game begins.
You must unlock the previous level to play the next one. Read below the game controls and rules, cheats and walkthrough. Controls: Use arrow keys to set the bat's position and to swing it. You can move the bat to the left and right. Keep the [down] arrow key pressed to swing the bat. Here are the details controls:

    [left arrow] - move bat to the left
    [right arrow] - move the bat to the right
    [down arrow] - swing the bat
    [down arrow]x2 - hit down arrow two times to loft the ball.


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